I was assuming he was one of those folks that were molded by the subculture of vaporwave and "anti-consumerism", in the same way how psychedelic rock brought the hippies , then vaporwave brought Taidana seikō or "lazy fucks" They are called "Neo-hippies" by English speakers. Unlike classic hippies they don’t complain as much and will still work but they are more of "were against the consumerist ideologies of your generation" basing their ideologies on the anti-consumerist messages of vaporwave and the ideological fact that most of the "Neo-Hippies" are apart of the working class and some of the upper elite culture; rejecting what they have been born into. Some of these groups are even separated by factions as well, some doing protest over the complaints on over-consumerism to company CEOs and major industrialist. Though most of their ideologies that they follow might sound like upright Communism, they believe in fi...